07 Juil Final List of Short Programming Animaze Montreal 2016

Morning Mourning by Katia Truong
Klementhro by Sue Dunham aka Ben Mitchell
Parade de Satie by Koji Yamamura - member of the Academy
Here is a final list of our short film programming to be screening at Animaze 2016. We are...
06 Juil Animaze short films selected for screenings at Montreal Museum of Fine Arts

Animaze has made it's short film selection for its upcomng 3rd edition August 18 - 21. Screening at the elegant Montreal Museum of Fine Arts Animaze is proud and delighted to be presenting some of the brightest talents in...
23 Juin Animaze presents 360º Samskara with FULLDOME.PRO – Spherical Wonderful World of Android Jones

The amazing images of Android Jones.
Animaze is happy to announce a partnership with the visionary folks at FullDome.Pro.
SInce meeting at FestForums in Santa Barbara last Decemeber Animaze and FullDome have been exploring ways of teaming up and finally the news...
19 Juin Animaze at Annecy meets Toon Boom filmmakers and finds new animation gems! President Hollande likes cartoons?
Animaze attends the 40th Anniversary of Annecy. In house at the MIFA were new and familiar faces. The usual suspects of course are our favourite group at the India pavillion with new festivals and TV productions in tow.
Programming Animation...
25 Mai Bilal animation feature sure to leave an animation legacy

Top notch story telling Bilal is certain to leave a stunning visual animation legacy for generations to come.
It is not often you are at a certain time in a certain place where a pinnacle...
25 Mai Animation Day in Cannes a HUGE success – Join Animaze for Montreal edition Aug 18-21
Our darling artist "in residence Cannessur le Croisette PAB. Lovely Marie Claude Beauchamp - Producer extraodinaire and president of AQA - the ever fabulous Bruno Chatelin Editor in Chief Filmfestivals.com, The beaming winner of Animation Day in Cannes...
12 Mai Animation Day in Cannes returns for 2nd consecutive year // ANIMAZE DAZE screening
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ANIMAZE & FILMFESTIVALS.COM PRESENTING 2ND EDITION OF ANIMATION DAY IN CANNES TO OVER 250,000 PROFESSIONALS & MEDIA May 12, 2016 CANNES, France— On May 18th for second consecutive year, animation film professionals will gather to celebrate the art of animation in Cannes during the annual film...