21 Avr LE MIAFF 2015 Closed with Awards to Anima Buenos Aires by Maria Veronica Ramirez
21 Avr LE MIAFF 2015 Closed with Awards to Anima Buenos Aires by Maria Veronica Ramirez

4 days of animation feature films, shorts workshops, panel discussions, interactive performances and parties at The Montréal International Animation Film Festival, in association with Teletoon, www.filmfestivals.com and MTL Digital Spring (Printemps Numerique) has just wrapped up...
18 Avr Fascinating Animaze Conference on Measuring Emotions in Film : View the Streaming Video
H 110 April 17 – 12:00 PM
If you missed it watch it in streaming
Researchers are finding evidence that our decisions are driven by subconscious and emotional response. David Thomas of Impact Research part of Cosette/ Vision7 International...
17 Avr Streaming of the opening of ANIMAZE
Festival founder Laurie Gordon welcomes the audience on opening ceremony, introducing The interactive demo of The Land of The Magic Flute (based on Mozart 's Opera).
Maya Ericksson Interactive Media Foundation l
click here to stream
16 Avr Animaze to stream to the World some 40 hours of content – do not miss that if you missed the festival in Montreal
16 Avr Animaze mentionned on Qui Fait Quoi
15 Avr Producer’s vision animates Le MIAFF: Montreal’s International Animation Film Festival
Montreal Gazette“Montreal is the perfect city for an animation festival,” says Laurie Gordon. “Of course, we have the tradition of the NFB. But there are so many other strong animation studios in...
14 Avr Nice article on Le Miaff on Montreal Gazette
“Montreal is the perfect city for an animation festival,” says Laurie Gordon. “Of course, we have the tradition of the NFB. But there are...